The Blade of Destruction The Creators Temple Work
A. J. Parks  


The Creation 

In the vast empty abyss, there was nothing. In this darkness, a brilliant blue light came into existence. The light took form, with slender limbs and long flowing locks. The light then erupted outward, creating the heavens and sprinkling stars in every direction. Plucking out a single star, the light molded it into a sun, which showed bright against her intensity. She then formed a planet in her hands, placing it near the sun for warmth.  

She flooded the world with water, creating oceans. She blotted the oceans with mass, creating land. With sunlight now bathing the barren world, she decided to sprinkle it with green vegetation and tall, jagged cliffs. She blanketed forests and pulled mountains toward the sky. With her green world now flourishing, she then turned her attention to a more complicated creation: life.  She laid an assortment of fantastic creatures along the ground and beneath the seas. The shimmering unicorn, galloping across open plains. The powerful Minotaur, who is strong and unafraid. And the deadly dragon, an indestructible flying marvel.  

Though many of these beings showed intelligence, she still longed for a creation that would make her truly proud, but it would also become her greatest downfall. And so, she created mankind. Walking upright above all others, man and woman populated the world. Creating law and order, building civilizations and structures, mankind spread through the world they now named Koringa. They worshiped their creator as a Goddess, who walked among her creations like a mother. She was named Zin, and she nurtured and taught them all they needed to flourish further. 

Loss of Faith 

For thousands of years, Zin watched her creations thrive, as they built ships to travel across the seas, and roads to move easily between city-states. Humans proved to be her most prized possession, and she loved every one of them. She made a point to visit each temple when they praised her kindness, granting their prayers and helping whenever called upon.  

As humans grew more advanced, their prayers grew with them. What started as simple requests, such as bountiful harvests and a healthy child, soon dove into greed and desperation. Some people would pray for wealth while others would pray for the death of another. It came to a point where Zin had to make the difficult choice, and stop granting the humans prayers.  

Eventually, people stopped praying altogether, and the gifts that were delivered to her temple atop the mountains grew fewer and fewer. Zin left what gifts remained, to remember her creations’ generosity. She wondered what would become of them, and how their desires were now shifting to selfish intent. As prayers fizzled out, Zin rarely left her temple, ashamed of what had become of her greatest creations. They had become spiteful, and aggressive, taking one another’s lives without remorse. She sealed the once open path of her temple, making it impossible to find without a pure intent. 

She still received prayers. Not for help, but for selfish desires. A person wishing their wife to return from death, despite her time in the world being over. Another who desired to be loved by someone, despite them being married already.  

These unanswered prayers would haunt her for centuries to come, and prove to be one of the last things she would do while still in her physical form.  


It was one unanswered prayer that led to the creation of Zin’s downfall. A blade capable of killing a goddess. This blade of destruction was wielded by a group known as the Brothers of Order, who swore vengeance upon Zin, as she had ignored their plights. With the power forged into the sword, the Order found the path to the temple, storming it and capturing Zin. Unwilling to harm her beloved creations, she followed the Brothers willingly down the mountain, and to a temple outside of the city of Knowles.  

She tried to reason with the Brothers, but their leader, Amadeus Burns, refused to listen, as his anger for being ignored by her was, in his eyes, unforgivable. The Brothers strung her to a beam and, despite her pleas, stabbed Zin through the stomach, capturing her body and power within the sword.  

The War 

While Zin’s body was gone, her essence and power still lay within the sword. She was able to see everything that had happened around her, unable to do anything or control anything. She spoke to Amadeus, who now grew drunk with the power of a goddess, but she was unaware if he heard her, or simply ignored her.  

Amadeus leveled towns, and brought destruction everywhere he went, in search of more power to bring his lost wife back from the grave. All who opposed him ended up dead, including the other Brothers of Order.  

To react to this new power-hungry despot, a massive army was formed in Renington, which marched north to fight Amadeus. The great war, as it would be known to history, was not a long one, and was very one-sided. Amadeus struck down all who came after him, with the powers of Zin, who was unable to stop him. She bared witness to the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of soldiers as Amadeus used her prison as a weapon. Not long after, Amadeus stood victorious over his slain victims. However, one stood against him still.  

Last Hope 

Amadeus’ own son, Asher, alone stood against his father. After a struggle, Zin found her prison in the position of a new owner, one that held different intent than the other. She found, as well, that only he was able to wield the blade, as all who touched it were killed by the powers held within the sword. 

Asher, however, never wielded the sword. Instead, he hid it away, leaving Zin to sit in her prison in darkness, only moving when Asher was soon on the run once more. For two millennia, she and Asher moved around the world. Until finally, she found herself placed under a workbench, boarded up, and left to be forgotten.  

Her story became a fairy tale, one not to be believed. And the knowledge of a Goddess of creation was all but simple fables. However, on a fateful summer night, she felt her prison break loose, and the power of the blade was wielded once again, this time by a boy. Zin felt a strange connection to him and was able to peer inside his soul. This connection proved to be the one she was needing and reached out to him. And to her astonishment… he heard her. 

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