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A. J. Parks  

The Brothers of Order


The Brothers of Order was founded by Amadeus Burns after the death of his wife. Distraught by her loss, and feeling abandoned by the Goddess of creation, Zin, wanted to find a way to bring his beloved back to life.  

Amadeus began years of research to wield more powerful magic, becoming one of the most gifted magic wielders that Koringa has ever known. He requested his father’s aide, Marcus Burns, to aid him in his desire to restore his wife. Marcus, who felt pity for his son’s grief, agreed to help and asked for the assistance of more magic wielders in order to gain the power needed for the task. 

Amadeus sought out two renowned magic wielders, Bernard Webb of Allenport, and Benedict Cotton of Mishka. They had also felt wronged and abandoned by the Goddess and believed in Amadeus’ plan to defeat her. Together, the four men molded their abilities, surpassing any that had come before and any that would come after.  

The Discovery 

After nearly five years, the Brothers had finally devised a way to seize the Goddesses’ power for their own, and by so restoring his lost wife of Amadeus. They had learned of a powerful metal that was located in a mountain far to the north, in the middle of the Shady Sea on an island known as Freydale. They made their way there immediately. The waters were treacherous, and their ship nearly capsized in the rough sea, but the men prevailed, reaching their destination. 

Finding the metal was going to be more difficult, as it would not be on the surface of the rocks. With their combined skills, they bore into the mountain, shifting and bending the rock to their liking. For two weeks, the men tore open the stones and bore deep into the earth.  

They had finally found what they sought, a small deposit of metal, barely enough for what they needed it for. This metal could only be melted and forged at scorching temperatures, and they would need a creature that was capable of doing so.  

The Forge 

The heat needed to melt the metal needed to come from none other than a dragon. Webb and Cotton were expert trackers and managed to find a dragon off the cliffs of Marbelmere. Using their combined skills, they were able to capture the creature and haul it back to Freydale. 

Using their newly acquired heat source, they melted the metal and forged it into the only weapon they knew would pierce the goddess, a sword. Once the sword was forged and cooled, a small emerald was welded onto the hilt, a crucial part of the weapon they needed. 

The brother constructed an altar, and, joining hands, poured their magic into the blade, bestowing upon it the ability to kill a goddess. They then left Freydale, on the search for their victim. 

Death of a Goddess 

The Brothers of Order searched for the goddess in several cities across Koringa. It was Amadeus who discovered the location of the Creator’s Temple, and the four men set off to the Tallingore mountains. Using the power now embodied within the blade, the Brothers located the staircase that led up to the Temple and soon came face to face with the Goddess herself, Zin.  

Zin attempted to reason with the Brothers, but they believed her pleas to be nothing more than fear and empty words. With their combined abilities, they subdued the Goddess, bound her, and marched her back down the mountain.  

Amadeus believed the best we to show the world the truth of the Goddess and how she unwillingly ignores their prayers, would be to execute her before a crowd. Outside the town of Knowles, the town gathers and Zin was tied to a wooden frame. As she pleads for mercy, Amadeus thrusts the sword into her, but it does more than kill her. Instead, the sword absorbs her power and essence, making the wielder capable of bestowing the powers of the Goddess herself. 

Disappointment and Betrayal 

After finally wielding the powers of Zin, Amadeus ventured to his home in Knowles where his wife was buried. Taking the powers of the sword into himself, he attempted to resurrect his lost love. But nothing happened. Several attempts failed, and Amadeus became angry, as he was certain this would return his wife to him.  

Webb tried to console him, but Amadeus was now blinded by rage and the power of the Goddess that now surged through him. He struck down Webb with the sword, vaporizing him instantly. Marcus and Benedict tried to intervene, but Amadeus began an anger-fueled rampage, decimating his home, and several towns folk nearby. Benedict began to fight, hurling magical blasts toward Amadeus, but the power surging through him was too much, and Benedict too was vaporized by the sword. 

Marcus, fearing for his life and horrified by his son’s actions, fled. Making his way west, and far away from the reach of his son. 

Lost with Time 

No stories were told of the Brothers of Order, and none will be. Anyone aside from Amadeus and his sone Asher knew of their existence. Marcus was never seen or heard of again, and his whereabouts are currently unknown. Asher stole the sword from his father and escaped, changing his identity to Eric Evans, whose own son would one day resume what started over two millennia ago.  

Amadeus would continue his search for his son and the sword he stole. Asher would prove to be difficult to locate, but it would be until Amadeus’ grandson makes a reckless move would he finally has a chance to seize the power within the blade.  

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