Blog The Blade of Destruction The Creators Temple Work
A. J. Parks  

Pale Creatures


Centuries ago, a massive Army from across Koringa traveled to the town of Renington to fight for the freedom of the world. Summoned there by the leaders of the time, they were called to arms to march towards Knowles and fight a dangerous sorcerer. This sorcerer wielded a powerful magic to the likes none had seen before.

                When the Army reached Knowles, the sorcerer, wielding a glowing blue sword, wiped them out with ease. Thousands of lives were lost in the blink of an eye. But instead of being put to rest, The sorcerer used his power to curse the soldiers’ bodies, twisting and deforming them for his own needs. He forced the bodies underground until the day he needed them.


These mindless monsters have long arms that end in sharp, blood-red talons. Their bodies are pale and nearly stark white in color, with dark scabs across their skin. Their heads were bald and almost skull-like, with long drooling fangs in their mouths. Their eyes, however, were nonexistent, and instead empty sockets where eyes should have been. Their long, skinny legs ended in sharp-toed feet, that drifted inches off the ground. Because they were reanimated, and forced back to life, their attempt to breathe is failing, causing them to make a wheezing sound as they drift silently.


                While not dangerous alone, these pale monsters can swarm in massive numbers quickly. They possess immense strength and can tear apart steel with their razor-sharp talons. Because they are buried all over Borning and Korbrook, they can emerge from the ground at will. Powered by Dark magic, they will pursue endlessly until they accomplish their goal.

Pursuit of Marty Evans

                Marty Evans first encountered these beasts in his home the night he discovered the sword hidden in his home. Because the power within the sword is also the power that created the best, they are unable to defend against it and are returned to dust, as they should be.

                The only way the creatures could avoid being dusted by the blade was when protected by more dark magic, but even that was no match for the power within the sword.

                Marty has been haunted by these creatures for years and, to this day, has nightmares of their wheezing breath that seem to follow him everywhere.

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