Blog Heroed Work
A. J. Parks  

New Project Sample

GREETINGS!! Below is the first sample of a new project I am working on. I have already posted the title of this book, HEROED, but this is the first I have actually shared my work Check out the first segment below. The second part will be coming soon. So keep an eye out!

I will never forget the day everything changed. It was a Thursday in mid-October. I arrived at school early like always, sitting down and finishing my Advanced Algebra homework because I forgot to copy off Tammy. As the numbers swam in my head uncontrollably, the strangest sensation came over me. 

While writing down a complex math problem that I didn’t truly understand, my arm gave a violent shudder, flailing about rapidly for a millisecond before going back to normal. I assumed it to be nothing more than a muscle spasm, and continued my homework, erasing the massive scribble across my paper that my arm spasm caused. I get a few more problems in, and my brain is still feeling like mush when it happens again. My arm aggressively flew forward and up, causing me to flinch and wonder if I’m about to punch myself in the face. 

“Whoa, easy there, killer,” Tammy said as she walks up to her locker, looking down at me as she mindlessly turned the dial. “What was that?” 

“No idea,” I said, looking curiously at my arm. “That’s the second time today it did that.” 

“Weird,” she said, pulling her books out of her bag and putting them into her locker. “You still not done with your math homework?” 

“No,” I said, resuming my poor excuse of mathematics. “You could help me, you know?” 

“I know I could,” Tammy said, sitting next to me and pulling out her phone. “I’m not going to though.” She nudged me with her elbow as I scowled at her, unable to suppress a grin.  

“You hear about Terrance,” I asked as I began to make up math answers. 

“And his sponsorship,” Tammy said, with obvious disdain. “Yeah, I heard.” 

“I wonder if this energy drink even tastes good,” I said finishing my homework and tucking it into my bag.  

“It probably tastes like piss water,” Tammy said as she swiped upward on her phone. “Hey, so I want your option on something.” 


“I was thinking of dying my hair. What do you think of this?” She leaned over, showing me an image on her phone of a girl with a similar hairstyle to Tammy’s, but colored deep purple. 

“What’s wrong with your hair color,” I asked, looking at the red hair I was so used to.  

“I just hate how much it stands out,” Tammy said, running her hand through her hair. “I want something a bit different is all.”  

“I mean, I’m no expert in hair color, but I think it would look fine,” I said, unsure of if it would or not. She often asked me these types of style questions, and I was the most unfashionable person in the world, owning no shirts without pictures on it.  

“Hey Terrence, way to go, man!” a voice rang out down the hall. I looked up to see Terrence high-fiving a random person in the hall as Kurt wheeled himself behind him. Kurt was a fair-looking guy, with spiked brown hair and a square chin. He wore glasses in front of deep, brown eyes.  

As I began to get up and go meet up with him, my legs gave the same wild twitch as my arms, and I fell forward, smashing my face into the lockers in front of me. A sea of laughter echoed behind me as I felt my face flush with embarrassment. It was things like this that made me enjoy being invisible.   

“What is going on with you?” Tamy said, moving aside as I sat back down next to her. My ears burned with the laughs that still sniggered around me.  

“I have no idea. It just started today,” I said, rubbing my forehead with my fingertips where I hit the lockers…

3d book display image of Heroed

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

Max Gillian was an average 16-year-old from a small town in Michigan. He lived a boring life, and he was always fine with that. Until the day he began a new medication for his ADHD, did he notice some radical changes and developed superpowers, Max now must uncover a plot that is unfolding all around him, and the epicenter is his own hometown.

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