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A. J. Parks  

Where It All Began

Why is this Place so Important? 

I usually don’t dedicate a post to a single event, but this upcoming one means more to me than most. On Oct. 12, 2024, I will be a vendor at the Lowell Harvest Celebration in Lowell, Michigan. While most might see this as a small farm town (because it is), it holds something closer to my heart: IT is where I grew up.  

I grew up and went to school in this town of barely 4,000 people, and it was truly a time to remember. My parents still live there, and while it has grown since my youth, it is most definitely rooted in its small-town upbringing.  

Another reason this town holds such a tight grip on my heart is that it was the main focus and inspiration for my most recent title, HEROED.  

What Exactly Was the Inspiration? 

I attended Lowel High School, located just outside of the town itself, nestled in the woods. Lowell was renowned for their Football team and wrestling team, both of whom won several state championships. I was never much for sports. I often skipped the mandatory prep rallies. This is where the inspiration begins.  

Max Gillian, the protagonist of HEROED was a bit of a loner, preferring to wander the school as an invisible speck. I was much the same, keeping to myself but laughing with my friends. The school as a whole, which I can still picture vividly in my mind, was the basis of Max’s school, right down to his locker location and getting to school early to do his homework. 

I also modeled the town Max drove through as my exact drive to school every morning. My parents lived outside of town, and I had to drive through the sleepy town every morning. The house I grew up in was also modeled the same, with the same basement bedroom and the same cat I had growing up. While Max’s cat was named Chuckie, My cat was an orange tabby named Charlie, whom I nicknamed Chuckie Finster after the infamous Rugrat.  

Why You Should Care? 

I think it’s important to know where you began. And that inspiration often comes from life experiences and your upbringing. One of the biggest inspirations, and perhaps the whole reason I began this writing journey, was because of my Creative Writing teacher from my senior year, Ms. Kuna.  

She told me that I could do whatever I wanted and that If I wanted to write a story about a boy and a sword, I should go for it. The story that I came up with that year was none other than The Creator’s Temple.   

I am proud of the work I have created and have many more pieces in the works right now. And it all began in this town, and at this school. Lowell may be a blink and you’ll miss it town, easily bypassed by the highway. But if you take the time to slow down, There are some truly creative things that could happen there.  

3d book display image of Heroed

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

Max Gillian was an average 16-year-old from a small town in Michigan. He lived a boring life, and he was always fine with that. Until the day he began a new medication for his ADHD, did he notice some radical changes and developed superpowers, Max now must uncover a plot that is unfolding all around him, and the epicenter is his own hometown.

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