My Inspiration to Write and Where it all Began
I wanted to share the array of things that inspired me to create the world of my stories, and the long path that led me to where I am today.
The tale of Marty Evans actually begins when I was in High School, and I read a book that is extremely well known today, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I poured into this book and finished it within 2 days, which is impressive for me at the time. I loved learning about Voldemort’s past, and seeing Harry grow and his relationships blossom.
Not too long after reading it, I began to ask myself, “This could be fun to make a world of my own.” And so I got to work, molding a character called Marty Evans, and his adventure to defeat a mystical enemy while roaming a new world.
At the time, Marty was very different. He was heavily based on my 16-year-old self and the similarities showed. He was quick to anger, and the dialogue was lackluster. There was also an animal companion of his, a phoenix called Yatamooth.

The story was also different from the final concept. The sword was discovered in a hidden cave and embedded in a stone that Marty discovered after running away from home. He was scared of his father, who was the true villain of the story. Most other things after this pan out the same, with them getting attacked, the forest, and the falcam mountains.
But then things take an immediate left turn, as they need to rescue Harper, then named Nicki, from prison. After breaking her out with the help of Zane’s magic, then named Ivlac, the group escape in a jeep and ends up In a desert where they meet a massive Chimera. This was before I had fully fledged out of my world, so I had random biomes all over.
The Chimera thought the group how to fight, and sent them on their way. Shortly after, Ivlac faked his death to escape the group and rejoin the true villain. Eventually, they meet Peter Burgman and make their way up the mountains to what was then called The Palace of the Goddess. After reaching the Palace, Marty is confronted by his father, who is the true villain of the story. During the fight, Ivlac is killed while protecting his sister. The goddess returns and restores peace.

My original story was a mess. I drew heavy inspiration from my favorite things as well. At the time, the Lord of the Rings trilogy had just finished, and massive battles were all the rage. I was, and still am, a huge Legend of Zelda fan, and drew heavily off the game series. From the sword-wielding hero to the Goddess who created the world, this game series was the pinnacle of my creation of Koringa. With this game and others on my back burner, I was pleased with what I had.
My story then sat dormant for a decade. It wasn’t until a flash of realization after discovering my past pages, did I decide to rewrite the entire story. I began to flesh out Koringa as well, mapping out the world, and the places that dotted it. I also updated my characters, with more intricate backstories, as well as motivations. I submitted this to a beta reader… and the results were not good. He noted good points and explained why some parts did not work. His suggestion: Rewrite it again. So I did.
After what was now my 3rd draft, I submitted it to more betas, and the answers were far more accepting. People noted the conversations felt natural, that the world was intriguing and the concept was different. I decided to self-publish, to get my story out to the world in the best way I knew how. and The Creator’s Temple was born.
I soon began a new work, Heroed. Again based on my teenage self, I placed this in the real world, with real-world things being referenced and talked about. Again, I took from the things I loved. And what franchise was bigger at the time than the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
I made my story a Super Hero origin with a bit of mystery solving added in. Leaning heavily on what I currently am in love with, and what I loved as a teen, I have been pouring into a new kind of novel, one I am truly proud of and am having a blast writing.

To anyone who has ever wanted to tell a story, or let their imagination flow onto a page, I say go for it. I have had and still have an amazing support system and one who keeps me motivated to finish what I’m working on. I cant wait for the day to release my next work, and will be sure to share it here!