Blog Heroed
A. J. Parks  

Book Cover Reveal Next Week

Next week, I will be revealing a book cover design for a current Work-In-Progress. Be sure to keep an eye out here! I will post the final product and a video of the process.

This will be the release of my work titled HEROED, and I am very can’t wait to share it. While it will not be the final work, it will shed an idea of what I am looking for for a cover, and the direction I’m taking the story to.

I am very excited to share this, and one of the main reasons this week’s post is so small. I hope you all enjoy it and see you then.

3d book display image of The Creator's Temple

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

Marty Evans never considered his life to be complicated. He attends school and enjoys time with his friend exploring their island home. However, after a midnight attack on his home, he is now burdened with a mysterious sword, Will he reach the Creator's temple and deliver the sword to the Creator, bringing order to the chaos that seems to follow Marty and his friends?

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