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A. J. Parks  



                The Minotaur was one of the first creations the goddess Zin crafted at the beginning of existence. She created it to be a protector of the weak, giving it powerful strength and unyielding endurance. However, upon the fall of Zin from the Brothers of Order, many species of minotaur became vengeful. They became criminals, using their overpowering strength to take over smaller humans.

Species and Habitats

                There are a few different species of Minotaur. The most common is the Mountain Minotaur. They reside in mountains and caves, usually around the western coast of the Talingore and Falcam mountains. This type of Minotaur is more aggressive, and more commonly known to align with criminal organizations, or whoever will pay them the most.

                There is also the Forest Minotaur, who resides in the many forests strewn across Koringa. They are solitary creatures and only seek out a mate once every decade. It has been recorded that Minotaur and Centaur feuds have been formed over territory.

                Another species is the City Minotaur, who have integrated themselves perfectly into human culture. They hold jobs and live in specially built homes or apartments. They are usually smaller than other Minotaurs and are far more well-behaved and mannered.


                Most Minotaur are built large, with massive muscles that can lift 2 tons. Despite their size, Minotaur are extremely fast, but only in straight directions. They are not able to corner quickly and need to slow down before turning, or else risk a fall.

                Most Minotaur seen are male, as females are usually solitary and do not seek life in the spotlight. This is not to say that females do not exist in the workplace like their male counterparts, however.

The Minotaur Fights of Kenwood Island

                The annual Minotaur fights held at the McDooger Arena, just south of Sunnyton, are a massive attraction that brings people from all over Borning. Many Minotaur train all year to participate in the fights, as the winner earns a cash prize and usually endorsements.

                While not the only Minotaur Arena in Koringa, it is by far the most popular in Borning and often considered the biggest honor to win.


                Thanark was a Mountain Minotaur unlike any seen before. He participated in several competitions and won every single one. However, he was a notorious criminal, working for the highest bidder, and collecting his pay for his gang of fellow Minotaur.

                They took jobs such as kidnappings, blackmail, and even murder. However, it was one job in particular that would be Thanark’s last. A job given to him by Amadeus Burns

Minotaur Ferry Attack

                Led by Thanarks and arriving on Griffons, a small group of Minitours landed on the ferry crossing from Sunnyton to Rennington, seeking out a boy with a sword. They began to assault the people aboard, trying to get information from them, breaking the ship’s interior as they did so.

                Eventually, the boy emerged, and Thanark pursued. But after a short chase, Thanark’s body was destroyed by some magical essence, forcing the other Minotaur to flee. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

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