A. J. Parks  



                Mermaids are known all around Koringa. They are creatures of breathtaking beauty and mysterious allure. From the waist upward, their anatomy is that of a human, displaying a range of skin tones, hair colors, and facial structures similar to that of all humans. They often have slender bodies with fair, delicate hands. From the waist down, however, they resemble that of a powerful fish. They are usually sleek, with colorful scales and a tail fin. Mermaids have also been known to have more flowing tail fins that resemble a dress as well.

                They have been known to cover themselves with coral or shells to conceal their bodies. Some may also have scales that cover themselves from their tail to their chest. Their powerful tails can propel them through the water at speeds of 20 knots (23 mph).  Mermaids reproduce asexually and are only females. There are no males of the species


                While typically sea-dwelling creatures, a mermaid’s diet usually consists of seafood, especially small fish, crabs, and oysters. They also eat sea plants, mixing them with mussels or other high-protein foods. They use their fast and slender build to dark through the water and grab prey with their hands. They also are adept at using tools, like spears and rocks.  

                It is not uncommon, however, for a Mermaid to venture onto land and snag food from a nearby market. They use their harms to move about and are usually quick to steal food, such as meats and cheeses.


                Mermaids are highly intelligent and social creatures. They often form pods of six or more other mermaids in small underwater cave networks. They are highly gifted singers and have been known for their songs that lure sailors into the waters. While Mermaids serve no real threat to humans, their beauty often sways weary travelers to them.

                Mermaids love to play and swim, often leaping out of the water and splashing back down. They also love the warmth of the sun and can be seen laying on rocks near shores, especially in the warmest parts of the day.


                Mermaids usually live in warm waters, in family units, or pods. They live in caves or rock formations and have been known to decorate their homes similar to how humans do, with proper functions and amenities.

                They have a wide territory and will defend it from dangerous fish or other rival pods. They ensure their family are safe above all, and everyone cares for everyone equally. No one mermaid is above the others.

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